Notícias e Opinião

  • 2 mar

    Bancada ruralista quer flexibilizar Código Florestal

    OCF na imprensa

    [:pb]Caso haja concordância do governo, medidas podem favorecer os grandes proprietários que desmataram. Integrantes da Frente Parlamentar da Agropecuária querem encontro com o ministro da Casa Civil.[:en]If there is government agreement, measures may favor large landowners who deforested. Members of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front want to meet with the Minister of Governance.[:es]Si existe un acuerdo del gobierno, las medidas pueden ser favorables para los grandes propietarios que deforestaron. Los miembros del Frente Parlamentario Agrícola quieren reunirse con el Ministro de Gobierno.[:]

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  • 2 mar

    Regularização Ambiental Comprometida

    Notícias do OCF

    [:pb]Atraso na regulamentação do Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) pode comprometer início de programas de regularização ambiental[:en]A little more than two months the deadline given by the law of the Forest Code for the implementation of the Environmental Adjustment Programs (PRAs) state, most did not fulfill the task and also discusses details of the rules that will allow owners of possessions and rural properties regularize the position of their lands and suspend fines for illegal deforestation Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and legal Reserve until 2008. According to the law, states have at most two years (one year renewable for another one) from the sanction of the law, on May 25, 2012, to deploy the PRAs. But claim to be waiting for a new federal regulation to create their programs: "We are waiting for federal legislation to do the PRA," explains the Secretary of Environment of Acre, Carlos Edegard of God. The delay has a side effect that can already be measured: the longer it takes the implementation of the Environmental Adjustment Programs, longer rural homeowners and squatters win before beginning the recovery of deforested areas irregularly, with the compensation or recovery environmental liabilities. On the eve of the delay, the Ministry of Environment estimates that there will be no prejudice to farmers, who depend on the registration of real estate as a prerequisite to join the settlement. Upon Rural Environmental Registry of the form (CAR), the landowner or leaseholder who has native vegetation deficit inform their willingness to rectify the environmental situation of the property, even if the program is not yet deployed. Adherence to PRAs may occur up to two years after the implementation of the State programs. Also according to the Ministry of Environment, the delay of the state, is not justified. The main guidelines for the Environmental Regularization programs have already been established by decree ( No. 7830 ) of President Dilma Rousseff, in October 2012. Among these guidelines is that PRAs should define penalties for landowners and squatters who do not meet the terms commitment through which there will be a recovery, the recovery or compensation of illegally deforested areas until July 22, 2008. "Another time" The Center's Forest Code heard of the states on the process of implementation of PRAs. Some expect to issue a new decree of the President of the Republic with additional rules to define their programs. "States are moving to meet what is their duty. But the regulation by the Union is taking too long, and this creates difficulties, "said Environment Secretary of Bahia, Eugenio Spengler, which also includes the direction of the Brazilian Association of State Environmental Entities (ABEMA). Acre, São Paulo and Santa Catarina either implemented their programs. "There is still a gap and the expectation of federal rules," he said in a statement the Secretary of Environment of Santa Catarina, a state that recently passed a new environmental code, criticized by environmentalists for further loosen the rules. Para hired a consulting firm to develop the Environmental Regularization Program of the state, although no deadline to complete the work. The Secretary of Environment of Mato Grosso, José Lacerda, ensures that, by May, the State PRA will be deployed, although the proposal has not even been made public. "We will adapt to the new reality, and in May, the program will be implemented," the secretary of state pledged that recorded the highest percentage increase in deforestation (52%) last year and stands as the largest producer of beef and soy in the country. In the same period (between August 2012 and July 2013), Pará was the state that most deforested Amazon: 2 400 km². "We will not have problems to meet the code, here there is a hurry because the producer does not have CAR will not be able to take credit from 2017," maintains Secretary José Lacerda. "Environmental regulation has another time," he says. Five years after the publication of the law of the new Forest Code, financial institutions will be prohibited from financing the producers who have not registered their real estate. But the environmental regularization of the property can come later. At least publicly, the states expressed optimism about the chances of completing the environmental registration of the properties within two years from the issue of an Instruction by the Ministry of Environment. This is the first step in the regularization process of reserve liabilities and Legal Permanent Preservation Areas, "We will work for two years, but I find it hard: everything will depend on the availability of financial resources and technical personnel," notes Secretary of Environment of Bahia. detailing The law of the Forest Code and the decree issued in October 2012 already set the ground rules for recovery of PPAs and Legal Reserve of the properties, which vary according to the size of the properties and the width of rivers, for example. But the expectation is that the Environmental Regularization programs advance in identifying sensitive areas in the states where possibly the recovery is expected to exceed the thresholds defined by law. In priority areas, the recovery of APPs may be required in the short term. The PRAs will also be able to deal with technological and material support to the regularization of properties, as well as economic incentives. Although Sao Paulo has not yet implemented its PRA, the Secretariat of Environment reported that studies will to define a map of Priority Areas with environmental indicators, such as "the lack of native vegetation or water stress". The state develops a Support System Ecological Restoration, to be implemented soon. Also it signed a technical cooperation agreement with the Association of State real estate registers, to facilitate the exchange of information on the legal reserve registration in the properties. In common, state governments have shown special concern for the registration and regulation of small farms. In Sao Paulo, they would be about 270,000. In Bahia, an estimated 780 thousand farms 660 000 rural have up to four modules. "I have hired the records of 17 000 small farms and we will hire another 20 thousand, is our biggest challenge," says Bahia secretary. Bahia said that hardly your PRA prevent the use of eucalyptus in the restoration of Permanent Preservation Areas, particularly in regions where there is a shortage of wood. The possibility of restoration of part of PPAs with exotic species is provided by law. Para said it would prepare a "Arrangement species list" for recovery purposes. "The producer can check which species will be used to recover your area, as well as access to seeds and seedlings," said Yves Lamb, Environmental Planning coordinator of the State Department of the Environment. The priority in Pará will recover environmental liabilities in the cities that top the list of the fastest deforest the Amazon.[:es]Retraso en la regulación del Registro Ambiental Rural (CAR) puede poner en peligro el inicio de programas de cumplimiento ambiental[:]

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  • 2 mar

    Multas sem perdão chegam a R$ 13 bi

    Notícias do OCF

    [:pb]Levantamento nos autos de infração aplicados pelo Ibama mostra que multas por desmatamento ilegal, sem direito a perdão chega a R$ 12,7 bilhões e embarga de quase dois milhões de hectares de terras para a produção.[:en]Raising the tax assessments applied by Ibama shows that fines for illegal deforestation, without the right to pardon reaches R $ 12.7 billion and embarga nearly two million hectares of land for production.[:es]El aumento de las evaluaciones fiscales aplicadas por el Ibama muestra que las multas por deforestación ilegal, sin derecho a indulto llega a R $ 12,7 mil millones y embarga casi dos millones de hectáreas de tierra para la producción.[:]

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  • 2 mar

    Estímulo aprovado não saiu do papel

    Notícias do OCF

    [:pb]Produtores inscritos no CAR ganharam estímulo para crédito rural, mas demora no lançamento do cadastro deixa benefício no papel.[:en]Producers enrolled in CAR won stimulus to rural credit, but delay in launching the register makes money on paper.[:es]Los productores inscritos en coche ganó estímulo al crédito rural, pero el retraso en el lanzamiento del registro hace que el dinero en papel.[:]

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  • 2 mar

    Governo de MT não garante transparência

    Notícias dos Membros

    [:pb]O ICV divulgou na segunda-feira (25) uma avaliação da situação atual da transparência das informações florestais em Mato Grosso, com base na disponibilização e acesso praticados pela Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente.[:en]The ICV released on Monday (25) an assessment of the current situation of transparency of information forest in Mato Grosso, based on availability and access practiced by the state Department of Environment.[:es]El ICV publicado el lunes (25) una evaluación de la situación actual de la transparencia de la información forestal en Mato Grosso, en base a la disponibilidad y el acceso practicada por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente del estado.[:]

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  • 1 mar

    Novo Código Florestal divide produtores rurais e ambientalistas

    OCF na imprensa

    Novo Código Florestal divide produtores rurais e ambientalistas Fonte: O Globo RIO E BRASÍLIA — Os ativistas ligados ao meio […]

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  • 1 mar

    Código Florestal: agora é aplicar a lei

    OCF na imprensa

    Código Florestal: agora é aplicar a lei Fonte: O Globo O julgamento das Ações de Inconstitucionalidade do Código Florestal (ADINs) […]

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  • 22 fev

    Código Florestal: produtor deve ficar preocupado?

    OCF na imprensa

    Código Florestal: produtor deve ficar preocupado? Fonte: Canal Rural O Supremo Tribunal Federal está discutindo o futuro do Código Florestal. […]

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  • 20 fev

    Agro é tudo. Mas nem tudo é pop

    OCF na imprensa

    [:pb] Raoni Rajão e Carlos Rittl O agronegócio brasileiro é uma potência. O país é o quarto maior produtor mundial de alimentos. Colheu uma safra de 242 milhões de toneladas no ano passado, o que ajudou a manter superávit comercial no ano em que o país saía de uma das piores recessões de sua história. Direta e indiretamente, o agro responde por quase um quarto do PIB do país. Leia o artigo na íntegra aqui: [:en] Raoni Rajão and Carlos Rittl Brazilian agribusiness is a power. The country is the fourth largest producer of food. Reaped a harvest of 242 million tons last year, which helped maintain trade surplus in the year when the country was coming out of one of the worst recessions in its history. Directly and indirectly, the agro accounts for almost a quarter of the country's GDP. Read the full article here: [:es] Raoni Rajao y Carlos Rittl agroindustria brasileña es una potencia. El país es el cuarto mayor productor de alimentos. Cosechado una cosecha de 242 millones de toneladas el año pasado, lo que ayudó a mantener el superávit comercial en el año en que el país estaba saliendo de una de las peores recesiones de su historia. Directa e indirectamente, las cuentas agro para casi una cuarta parte del PIB del país. Leer el artículo completo aquí: [:]

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